Saturday, August 01, 2020

The Eagle Mountain Railroad was constructed by Kaiser Steel in 1947 to move iron ore from the mine to its steel mill in Fontana.

Eagle Mountain Railroad at Ferrum, CA

The Eagle Mountain Railroad was constructed by Kaiser Steel in 1947 to move iron ore from the mine to its steel mill in Fontana. During the 60s the Eagle Mountain Railroad was turning over two loaded trains a day to the SP here at Ferrum. This dropped to one loaded train a day during the 70s. Due to foreign competition, Kaiser closed down the mill and mine in 1983. A loaded train has just arrived at the interchange at Ferrum on November 29, 1977. The units will cut off from the loads and move to the east end of the siding. Even though it is a couple days after Thanksgiving, the weather is still quite warm as you can see by the head brakeman standing on the front platform wearing a short sleeved shirt. You do not want to try railfanning this area in July or August. The units are pulling the loads to the end of one of the storage tracks at Ferrum. The empties sit on the track closest to the siding next to the units.

Eagle Mountain Railroad GE U30C

I drove to the other end of the siding. The engines have run around the train, set two covered hoppers and the caboose over on the empties, and are now heading back up the hill for home. Ferru

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