Saturday, August 01, 2020

Southern Pacific Railroad train symbol LAHOT at Bertram, CA

Southern Pacific Railroad train symbol LAHOT at Bertram, CA

It seems like the siding at Bertram has been cursed. There have been several deadly accidents at this location. On November 29, 1977 train LAHOT (Extra 8768 East) glides by this remote location without incident. The sun is just about to set. Notice the long shadows to the right of the train. Disk 55

Southern Pacific Railroad train at Bertram, CA

John Barriger picture. From several employee timetables Bertram was an active train order station in 1927, not active in 1938, and active again in 1948. I'm guessing it was deactivated during the depression and reactivated during the war. It looks like there was a water tower here at some point, but I haven't seen it listed as a water stop in any of the timetables. Must have been before 1920 or so.

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