Saturday, June 18, 2016

Amdist the Majestical Southern Alps, Kiwirail GE DXC muscle powers this Lyttleton bound Coal Train down Cass Bank on the Midland line. South Island, NZ

Kiwirail GE DXC muscle powers this Lyttleton bound Coal Train down Cass Bank on the Midland line. South Island, NZ
Amidst the Majestical Southern Alps, Kiwirail GE DXC muscle powers this Lyttleton bound Coal Train down Cass Bank on the Midland line. South Island, NZ.

Amdist the Majestical Southern Alps, Kiwirail GE DXC muscle powers this Lyttleton bound Coal Train down Cass Bank on the Midland line. South Island, NZ

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